About Me - Natalie Norton-Baker
Natalie Norton-Baker is an outstandingly accurate Psychic Medium in Adelaide, Australia with over 45+ years of experience. She is a recognised TV Celebrity Psychic Medium, that appears on TV and expo's regularly and also works from home in her private practice in Australia and internationally, lovingly helping her clients in many different aspects of the metaphysical spiritual realm.
January 2008 Natalie was inducted into the 2008 Australian Psychic Association Psychic Hall of Fame Award for her dedication, accuracy and commitment to her mystical gifts over all the years.
In 2005, Natalie was voted the Australian Psychic Association South Australian Psychic of the Year giving testimony to the high esteem in which she is held within the psychic community.
As a natural psychic medium in Adelaide, Natalie uses her skills and abilities to be able to work hands free and then links in to her clients life-force energy (aura) and their angels and spirit guides and through working with them she is able to hear, see, feel, sense, smell, taste, has profound visions and insights, and can connect with her clients passed over loved ones where she is able to pass on any messages or answers to questions that the client is needing to know. Natalie also experiences any discomfort or pain within her body that her clients or their families bodies are going through. This enables her clients and helps them to understand why they are feeling this discomfort or pain and how to take the appropriate action to help her clients in their healing. This aids in her loving, genuine, caring, approachable, inspiring and motivating her clients with positivity in assisting them through giving them clarity, insight and guidance on their journey in their lives.
How Natalie differentiates from other psychics is that she has the expertise and knowledge gained, learned and honed over the years through her teachers as they appeared when she was ready in each stage of her own personal development. Natalie is able to lovingly support her clients through their situations by showing them how to be divinely guided by their angels and spirit guides to help them find the strength and courage to start healing their lives and to bring them clarity, insight, guidance and definition to their life's purpose and journey.
Her first experience of awareness of her gift was when she was 10 yrs old, walking through the scrub/bush land of her parents farm in Adelaide, she received profound insights/visions to what would be happening for her, in her adult life. As a child back then she just thought it was her vivid imagination but as she became an adult and all of these insights / visions became her realities and materialised. Back in those early years she had no knowledge that her mother was also an avid dreamer and worked that way. She always felt the odd one out and was not understood by her peers as she was growing up.
Natalie has been involved in the metaphysical field since 1971, during the past 45+ yrs she was introduced to psychic development, working with spirit guides and angels for healing, clairvoyance and channellings and then started training in this field which has strengthened her connections and trust in the accuracy of the information that she receives and is given from the Angels and Spirit Guides.
Natalie's journey towards self-empowerment and enlightenment has been enriched by further study and attaining her qualifications as a Past Life Regression Therapist, Meditation and Life Mastery, Reiki and Seichem Master/ Teacher, Alpha/Cybernetics, Touch for Health, EK and Subtle Body Energy Balancing and has completed numerous other healing, self development, management and people skills courses. Natalie also has a Bachelor Science Degree in Social Work and Counselling Psychology and Train the Trainer.
Natalie currently conducts Workshops and Courses on a regular basis in Adelaide, Australia and around the world and loves to continue to be actively involved in facilitating spiritual development, healing, clairvoyance and channeling classes which helps and assists her students with their spiritual development and awareness.
Natalie has also spoken and appeared live on stage at the national Mind, Body expo's, Channel 7's Sunrise program, ABC radio stations and Whatever Function Centre in Singapore. Natalie writes for a number of spiritual magazines like Sphere's The Spirit Guide, Australian Psychic's Directory, That's Life Magazine, and contributed to ESO TV newsletter, articles on Angels and A glossary of meanings of A - Z in metaphysical terminology.
Professional Lifetime Member Australian & International Psychic Association
Certified Advanced and Honours Angel Intuitive Practitioner 2002 - 2007
Featured in 2005 - 2021 Psychic Directory
Spheres the Spirit Guide Magazine - Ask Natalie 'Past-life from the Distance'
Thats Life Magazine -2006-2008 Panel of Psychics and Past Life Regression Feature
Channel 7 - Sunrise
Inner Self Magazine
I have spoken and appeared live on stage at the national Mind Body Spirit Festivals
Ask your Angels
Transformation Angels
Civil Life Celebrations Celebrant
PsychicTV Australia - International TV Celebrity and at home psychic/medium
PTV Australia - Celebrity TV and at home psychic/medium
Psychic Today - International TV Celebrity and at home psychic/medium
Psychic Sofa - International TV Celebrity and at home psychic/medium
The Circle
Pure Predictions

"Natalie Norton-Baker is a very special lady, with a very special gift. Her beliefs and abilities both support, guide and ground the people she connects with. Having worked with Natalie for over 5 years, I have no doubt she is a truly powerful light worker that will touch your life in a positive way." - Leela Williams, Editor, Spheres The Spirit Guide Magazine.